Above - Little Tigers at their grading on
Sunday 29th September
Hurry and contact us to get your child's name
down on the list for a place in this extremely
popular class!
Little Tigers, 4 to 6 year old children, Class Times:
5:45 till 6:30 pm
Cost - £22 per calendar month by Standing Orders only
There are discounts for multiple family memberships
Beginners welcome
Special thanks to Sabomnim Yasmin, and
Chosu's Allison, Donna and Dawn, thanks to all your hard
work and continued commitment, we have a very unique and
very successful Little Tigers club that is second to none!
The Dojang (training hall) attracts children of all ages from all walks of life. The association takes children from the age of 4 to 6 years old at the Little Tigers session, and 7 to 16 years old at the Junior session. Between the ages of 6 and 7, where appropriate, the child would be expected to attend the Junior Taekwondo sessions, studying Taekwondo at a higher level.
Not every child is suited to Taekwondo within the Dojang, so initially, we allow the child a four-week trial period to see whether he or she will be suitable for serious Taekwondo practice. Additionally, within this initial period, the child can see whether he or she wishes to continue their practice on a regular basis.
The Dojang is fun, safe and enjoyable. Children will learn quickly, within a group learning environment, and meet new friends.
Our aim at the Little Tigers club is to provide a holistic, fun, safe and structured learning environment with an emphasis on enjoyment. As young, impressionable and developing children, we aim to reinforce and underpin family values, discipline, and introduce various educational topics, as well as gently lay the foundations of martial arts, and all they have to offer.
Studies have shown that regular exercise in childhood not only reduces the risk of obesity and degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes in adult life, it also leads to immediate benefits. These include greater strength and endurance and enhanced bone formation, reduced anxiety and stress and improved self-esteem, improved mental concentration and academic performance, improved social skills and superior skill development.
Our hope is that, when the children reach adulthood, they will be equipped with a sound body and mind, able to cope with, and enjoy, life, and all its contrasts. We hope that in some, all be it small, way, we have helped them on their way to becoming an integral part of society.
Our club has been in existence since 1985, and is considered to be one of the leading, well-established schools of Taekwondo for children available in Southeast Kent. It has a modern approach and all coaches are hand picked by Master Fowler.
You are certainly in safe hands……And we are second to none!
Gradings may be held at 3 monthly intervals, and may be taken depending on progress and attendance and are at the discretion of Master Fowler.
The association is affiliated to NAKMAS, the National Association of Karate and Martial Arts Schools. NAKMAS is the largest multi-styled martial arts organisation in the country with over 73,000 members. It holds a Government recognised British Standard quality kitemark (BS EN ISO 9002). All NAKMAS members are protected legally, and are insured via NAKMAS.
The initial cost is £35 that provides the student with their dobok (suit), belt, embroidered club badge, NAKMAS licence and insurance, ECTA membership and a special embroidered Little Tigers badge together with a unique Little Tigers colouring in book.
The annual membership renewal is £15.
Contact Master Fowler for competitive prices on new, brand named, doboks, club badges, nunchucks and protective equipment.
ECTA Welfare Officer
Elizabeth Parker-Gorman